Friday 27 November 2009

what would you miss?

It's strange, having been writing this blog now for over a year, to see what makes you comment. There are some subjects that I tackle that I think are bound to arouse comment from you, dear readers, but then there's nothing; not a squeak; silence! Other times, I think that what I've written might be fairly ordinary and bland and, lo and behold, you are roused to take to the computer keyboard. What will today be like?

A few weeks ago I went to Perth to meet a consultant (no, nothing medical). He is a business consultant who has been employed by the Church's Mission and Discipleship Council to do a stringent review of their work. I was identified as a 'non-user', someone who had never used the services of the regional development team, or any of their material. They wanted to know why!

The consultant had a whole list of questions to ask; there were two of us in the room with him and we tried to answer his questions as well as we could. His last question sticks in my mind: 'If the Mission and Discipleship Council disappeared tomorrow, would you notice?' Sadly for them, the answer we both gave was a resounding 'No!'

That set me thinking: in Church, what would you miss if it wasn't there?
  • the building? we're very attached to our church buildings; this is the place where we meet God, where we've worshipped for generations, our parents and grandparents before us; we can't worship God without a building, surely!
  • the minister? we know he's not perfect; his sermons are far too long; we sometimes don't understand what he's on about; why does he have to initiate so many changes? But we can't do without him or someone like him.
  • the organ? the organist? what an instrument! It gives a great sound, especially when so well played! How can we sing properly without an organ; it's been there for generations.
  • the hymnbook? Singing has to be done to the book, surely! How can we worship without a hymnbook; it just won't work!
  • Something else?

What would you miss? Use your imagination; what, if it disappeared tomorrow, would you really miss about Church life?